RID-X® septic maintenance solutions help restore the balance in your septic system
RID-X® Septic Tank System Treatment contains billions of 100% natural active septic tank bacteria and enzymes that have been scientifically proven to digest household waste. These bacteria were developed to be more active than the bacteria that naturally occur in your septic tank. By adding RID-X®, you help restore the delicate balance of beneficial septic tank bacteria and enzymes that are needed to help keep your system operating at full efficiency and avoid costly septic maintenance.
Each box of RID-X® contains the following ingredients, scientifically proven to break down household waste:
- Cellulase breaks down toilet paper, vegetable matter and some foods
- Lipase breaks down fats, oils and grease
- Protease breaks down proteins
- Amylase breaks down starches
RootX is the effective foaming root control solution for your plumbing professional. RootX kills roots in residential sewer lines, storm pipes and septic systems. Root intrusion left untreated can restrict flow, cause complete blockage and can eventually destroy a sewer or septic system, costing you thousands of dollars to repair or replace.
RootX uses the aquatic herbicide Dichlobenil. It is non-caustic, non-fumigating and non-systemic, and, unlike other products, does not contain diquat dibromide, copper sulfate or metam sodium.
RootX will not harm pipes, septic systems or above-ground vegetation (not for use in septic systems in the state of Florida). RootX has minimal environmental impact and is registered with the EPA (#68464-1) in all 50 states as well as Canada, and is classified as a General Use Product. In addition, RootX carries the signal word CAUTION, the lowest chemical hazard rating.
Easily Maintain your Septic System
bioFORCE™ is a septic system additive. When applied once a month, the additive counteracts the damage to the biological system in your septic tank that is caused by using bleach and antibacterial soaps. Because modern septic tanks are water-tight concrete boxes, the naturally occurring bacteria in the surrounding soil is unable to enter. bioFORCE™ Septic Tank Additive is specifically designed to replenish and boost the supply of these invaluable micro-organisms and allows natural activity to continue.
bioFORCE™ Septic Tank Additive is safe to use as directed. It is completely natural and environmentally safe, containing no corrosive chemicals, caustic or acids, and is hazard free. It will not damage metal, ceramic, or plastic parts of the drainage system
Benefits of bioFORCE™ Septic Tank Additive:
- Extends Life of Drain Area
- Controls Methane Production
- Improves Drain Field Percolation
- Keeps Sewer Lines Open
- Neutralizes Detergent Bleach
- Prevents Drain Blockage
- Will Not Attack Plastic or Metal Plumbing
- Safer to Use than Harsh Chemicals
- Helps eliminate soggy soil caused by clogging
- Degrades Paper, Grease and Vegetable Waste
- Degrades Waste Faster
- Eliminates odors which can attract insects
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